

TenneT Emden (Germany)

TenneT is constructing a building site ready for building a substation and two converter stations. The substation construction in eastern Emden was planned to feed renewable power from the BorWin gamma and delta offshore rigs securely into the national grid in the future.

In detail...

  • Renewable offshore power feed-in
  • Supply to the national 380 kV and 220 kV grid
  • Optional connection to the Riffgat offshore rig
  • About 16 hectares of area
TenneT Emden (Germany), TenneT TSO GmbH, Bayreuth


Owner: TenneT TSO GmbH, Bayreuth
Customer: Arge Baufelderschliessung UW Emden-Ost, Westerstede
Construction time: 1 Nov 2013 – 31 Oct 2014
Construction cost: €300 million
Sub contractor: Mibau Baustoffhandel GmbH
Delivery quantity: 59,000 tonnes Purpose: Substation