Mibau Stema Group

Low-carbon aggregates have the highest priority 

Our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint covers all operational levels. That is why EPDs (environmental product declarations for aggregate carbon) are available for our quarries. An EPD aggregate carries with it a standardized environmental declaration that documents the specific emissions of products and shows the environmental impact a production step has, including CO2 and other emissions.

Certified dedication

The calculations include - in accordance with EPD standard EN 15804 - the emissions of the entire process from the production of the explosives to the readiness of the products for sale. The EPDs for the Norwegian quarries are externally verified and published at EPD-Norge.no. 


As a provider of low-carbon aggregates, we have developed numerous tools to calculate the impact of the total value chain, including vessels, terminals, and onward transport. This includes an Excel tool we developed together with the Institute for Environmental Informatics in Hamburg, which calculates the corresponding environmental indicators based on EPD standard 15804. Another calculation model designed for the Dutch MKI (Milieu Cost Indicator) calculates the environmental impact as a cost in EUR/per ton.

As a member of the Heidelberg Materials Group, all our CO2-reducing measures and certifications are included in their sustainability reporting.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you want to know more or require information on a specific topic. 

Research & Technology

Reducing emissions is a science, and we continue to do it daily. Regardless of job, procedure, or logistical choice, we continuously invest in new technology to lessen our environmental impact and promote a carbon-neutral future. Greenhouse gas emissions and their reduction are a central focus point. Through our EPDs, we can see what causes the most significant emissions in our value chain. This allows us to pinpoint areas that need the most attention effectively. Examples can be seen in shipping, where we continue to invest in eco-friendly fuels as well as new anti-fouling paint that reduces drag, thus lowering consumption. We further reduce our CO2 footprint by fully operating with readily available and renewable hydroelectric energy for our production. So, whether it is something big like expanding our entire fleet or just installing photovoltaic systems to harness solar power at our office locations, we are always on a mission to reduce emissions