Mibau Stema Group

Common values that keep us together

Our colleagues are what make Mibau Stema Group what it is. Having the latest technology and innovative tools is always essential, but without the right people - you are always incomplete. We believe a company is only as good as those who work for it and believe in it. That's why we do everything possible to make working at Mibau Stema Group a rewarding, inspiring, and passionate experience. At Mibau Stema Group we live our values in all aspects of our business. That is why working for Mibau Stema Group is interesting, giving and fun!

Our values:

1) We Are ONE GROUP, United and Loyal

2) We Generate Value and Work Towards Common Goals

3) We Take Care and Strengthen Each Other

4) We Are Passionate and Ambitious

5) We Live Professional, Flexible Entrepreneurship

We Are ONE GROUP, United and Loyal

We cultivate and foster a culture of mutual advice and support within our group. We always aim to find the right solution that is in the best interest of ONE GROUP in our internal and external environment. 

Our collaboration ensures resource trade-offs are addressed appropriately and enables us to voice discrepancies regarding strategic and operational steps openly. We execute and deliver according to the agreed strategy and overall targets. We seek mutual commitment and honour agreed-upon decisions.  

We Generate Value and Work Towards Common Goals

Our business generates value. We generate value through close relationships with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. We believe in mutual respect and collaborative idea generation.

We bring a cross-functional approach and a complete value chain of working toward common goals.

We Take Care and Strengthen Each Other

Our employees are the driving force for development and ideas. We encourage open discussions, accountability, and clear roles. 
We embrace mistakes for learning and prioritise transparent communication – internally and externally. 

We do what we say, and we say what we do. 
We elevate knowledge and employee experience. Personal growth is essential. Respect, value, and impact matter to us.

We Are Passionate and Ambitious

We love what we do. We demonstrate our passion with smiles and humor. We show and promote outstanding commitment, do not avoid challenges, and never refuse to lend an extra hand.

Our ambition drives us to constantly challenge ourselves to create better solutions. We take pride in delivering unique quality in everything we do. 
We demonstrate and live responsibility.

We Live Professional and Flexible Entrepreneurship

We operate our business in the spirit of responsible entrepreneurship. We constantly aim to support our customers in finding the best solutions, ensuring both sides save time and money.
We always behave, act, and present ourselves professionally and flexibly.