

Groyne construction in Otterndorf, Germany

One of the largest coastal protection projects in Germany, this project involved constructing twenty-four groynes on the banks of the Elbe between Otterndorf and Altenbruch to reduce bankside flow speeds.

In detail...

  • 3.5 km of coastline
  • 4.9 km of groynes
  • Longest groyne: 330 meters
  • Installation only at low tide via quai 9 of Mibau Baustoffhandel materials merchants in Cuxhaven
Groyne construction in Otterndorf, Germany


Owner: WSA Cuxhaven
Customer: ARGE Buhnenbau Otterndorf (Hinrich Hirdes, Colcrete von Essen, Bunte, Van den Herik)
Construction time: 2011 – 2012
Construction cost: €33 million
Sub contractor: Mibau Baustoffhandel GmbH
Delivery quantity: 530,000 tonnes of riprap
Purpose of use: Coastal protection